Our first fable was The Three Little Pigs. There is so much you can do with this fable and my littles never wanted the fun to end. Let me start by saying one thing I loved about this unit was the many different versions of each book. This makes for such fun retelling! To work on retelling, we built the setting of The Three Little Pigs.
The sets were used to retell the story. We used masks that I made from poster board and some masks from Lakeshore that I received through Donors Choose.
Here is a small video of some of my litttles retelling.
The Big Bad Wolf had a day of fun with us as well. We huffed and puffed life the Big Bad Wolf with some wolf straws. My cuties drew a house on paper and then attached a straw to a wolf face and blew water droplets on the house.
You can grab the wolf faces and labels by clicking the pic below.
For a fun STEM challenge, we built houses to protect our pigs. We even wore construction hats!
Our pigs were from this pack of counters from Lakeshore.
Then the Big Bad Wolf (my blow dryer) came to try and blow down the houses. I asked the littles to test their houses before the Big Bad Wolf came, so they all blew on them and fixed things as needed. When the Wolf showed up, all of the houses stood! My littles learned it's important to test and rethink our work sometimes to make it better.
We had lots of little social learning activities, too, such as building brick houses with wooden blocks and a simple play dough recipe for mortar. They loved spreading the "mortar" on the "bricks" and building houses.
Another social learning activity we did was inspired by this math lesson about surveys and graphs and this book:
My littles loved to survey their friends around the room about who's story they believed - the wolf or the pigs. This video is pretty cute of their surveys!
Another fable we studied was The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
We created our own trolls with a collage of materials. Thankfully, trolls can look however you want them to look - they're trolls.
We also created bridges for the goats to cross over the river in partner groups for a little STEM project. We used the goats from the same pack of farm animal counters from Lakeshore.
Our last fable was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I did not get pics at all because this was the next to the last week and we had so many things to finish up and graduation to prepare for, so, alas, this is my only pic of a project we did for beginning, middle, and end. They turned out pretty cute and my littles loved making their own Goldilocks and 3 Bears however they wanted to for this project.
Have a great rest of your summer! I am about to tackle this little book for fun...