Summer is here...
and I'm flipping out over sharing you some of my flipped classroom adventures from kindergarten!
What is a flipped class? Well, apparently I've been doing it for years and wasn't aware that is was an innovation in learning. ALL kindergarten classrooms are being flipped constantly because our kiddos NEED engagement. Flipped classrooms are when you transform your room to add engagement and excitement into lessons. Here are some of my flipped classrooms and lessons over the last 5 years!
When I taught pre-k in 2013, I flipped my room monthly and would leave it up for the month's unit of study. One of our units was an animals unit. Some parts were created by me and my wonderful aide, while other parts were student created. Here are some pictures of this unit of study with my pre-k kiddos.
Since my return to kindergarten in 2014, I've transformed our pretend station monthly, often with student help. Here are pics from two different years in our apple orchard.
We also had a pumpkin patch! Again, I created parts, students created parts, and we added parts throughout our unit of study, including the parts of the pumpkin baggies seen below.
Another fun classroom flip was our Santa's Workshop where kiddos baked cookies and made toys with pretend paints and toy tools.
Along with Santa's Workshop, we enjoyed Holidays Around the World with an airport to travel to different places each day.
See us checking in at the airport on my Twitter page!
I found these awesome passport stamps to use from Oriental Trading!
One of our favorite classroom flips was Dinosaur Day! I used a lot of ideas from Deanna Jump's unit.
I even made my kiddo's shirts to wear!
I wore my dinosaur costume!
We played dino-themed sight word head bands!
Fossil excavations!
Building dino caves!
Non-standard measurment!
Excavating for rocks, well actually chocolate chips!
Another fun flipped day was pirate day! We put our literacy skills to the test with pirate themed activities on the week we focused on the chunk -ar.
I played my pARt as captain!
These ideas also came from Deanna Jump!
Phonics review lessons are perfect for flipping your classroom. Q and U's wedding day was a great reason to flip our room!
Science lessons are another great reason to flip your room. I already mentioned apples and pumpkins, but take a look at our five senses ice cream flip! We enjoyed a lot from Bonnie Katheryn!
Sense of touch with "sprinkles" that have letter magnets hiding in them to place on picture mats for beginning sound practice as well.
QR stories for sense of sight
Painting ice cream pictures with scented paints
Sense of hearing with ice cream ordering
The last flip I wanted to share was student created one for a space station. Look at the sun the kiddos had with objects in the sky!
Check it out in action on my Twitter page!
Math is loads of fun with classroom flips as well! For the 100'th day of school I set up a spy lab because Zero the Hero was kidnapped! We performed all kinds of tasks in my laser-filled spy lab!
My VERY BRIGHT STUDENTS dressed the part with their spy lab vests and Secret Agent name tags.
I dressed the part too!
This is just a small list of the flips I have done the past few years, but there are so many more! How can you flip your room?
Think about it over the summer and make a list now. I am moving to second grade this year and I am starting a list of flips for my second graders, while also reminiscing over these sweet littles who are moving on to first grade...
Such sweet memories of my fabulous years in kindergarten and Texas.
Next stop... Utah and second grade!