Happy 2018! I hope your year has kicked off to a great start!
My little cuties and I have already celebrated 2 fun-filled days of learning in 2018 with a New Year's theme.
With only 2 days of school this week (Thursday and Friday) I didn't introduce any new content. We just reviewed skills and concepts from our first semester.
In math our review skill was counting backwards from 20. We read The Night Before New Year's.
This book talks about staying up late and celebrating the New Year. Then we watched the You Tube clip of the ball drop in New York City. This showed my cuties that people countdown to celebrate.
I was surprised at how intrigued they were with this small clip! This showed my cuties the ball drop and allowed me to show them how to make their own ball drop craft to practice counting down from 20. Here is a clip of one of my little's ball drop.
These were so simple to make. I gave each kiddo a small paper plate, sparkly stickers, and a bingo dauber to create the ball. The countdown strip is just a strip of squares. Easy peasy!
We also reviewed our sight words from the first semester. One game we played was Sight Word Jenga. I found tiny Jenga games at Dollar tree. I divided each tiny set into 3 games, with 15 blocks each. I did this with 3 of the tiny sets, giving me 9 Jenga games for my 18 kids to lay in pairs. Each set of 15 blocks had words written on the side. I showed my kiddos how to build their Jenga tower and play. The only difference from the regular version is that the student had to read the word before pulling the block.
We also practiced sight words by writing them on balloons.
Syllables were another review skill this week. We used party blowers to blow out the number of syllables in words.
All of these skills and goodies were used in our New Year's Dance Party!!
In writing, we read Squirrel's New Year's Resolutions and created a bubble map of resolutions.
Then we created party people with their new year's resolutions.
"I can be nice to everybody."
This is one of my ESL students!!
"I can be nice to my mom and Mrs. (misis) Roe."
As you can see, we have done a whole lot of celebrating and now it's your turn! Here is my updated January QR stories for FREE forever!! Snag it today or tomorrow or next year as my gift to you!
Have an amazing year!!