What a wonderfully, wet spring it has been here in Austin, TX! We have gotten so much rain that I have considered building an ark.
Well, spring time has been blossoming in my little kindergarten classroom. We learned about insects a few weeks ago. We learned about pollination by rubbing our fingers on Cheetos and spreading the pollen (Cheetos powder) onto flowers that were around the classroom.
Check out my sweet kiddos on Twitter with their self-made butterfly wings and antennae as props while pollinating!
We also wrote poems about bugs and insects all week in writer's workshop, illustrated them and practiced reading them to our friends.
We shared our learning of the insect's body parts by creating salt-dough insects and labeling them.
It wouldn't be spring without hatching chicks!
During the incubation period, we added a picture from my Chicks unit to our calendar of what the inside of the egg looked like and "hatched" the egg from the Learning Resources Chick Life Cycle Exploration Kit.
"Chick" out these little spring time units in my store:
By the way, I had a little surprise this month...
I was honored as the winner for Elementary Leadership for the state of Texas. Here I am with my award. Click on the picture to see the news story about it. I was able to earn my school $10,000 because of this honor