Saturday, May 19, 2012

Meet Penelope!

Here's is my newest little friend in Kindergarten:

Her name is Penelope and she is THE sweetest little hedgie ever.  All of my kinders were able to pet her on the first day I brought her to school.  They even started writing books about her during Daily 5 and Writer's Workshop.  (Please know, though, that hedgies are a lot of work and not all of them are so friendly.  Even Penelope has her moments.  I did a lot of research before getting her.)

This week we also enjoyed our Kinder Splash Day.  What a blast!

Yay for fun in the sun!

I am not sure how all of you are feeling, but I am so tired and stressed - yet I can't sleep...sigh...  Our last day is May 31 and THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO!  On top of all the end of the year to-do's, I am also being recorded this coming Tuesday by our Central Administration for a video they are putting together for a PD course this fall.  Wowzer.  Cross your fingers that my kinder cuties can hold it together for thirty minutes.  We'll see how it goes.

Happy weekend friends!


  1. I can totally relate. it is 4:30 am, I am wide awake and blogging instead of sleeping and much needed rest. Oh, I love your cute hedgehog. What a fun class pet. I am a new follower.

  2. Penelope is so cute!! Looks like they had fun at water day...we have ours next week :).
    Good luck with being recorded!

  3. Penelope is the cutest hedgie ever! I think I am definitely going to have a classroom pet next year. My teammate has a guinea pig & the kids love it. Good luck with the recording. You'll do great!

    I am having a big TPT giveaway over at my blog--come & check it out!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. Penelope is adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower. Love your blog :)
    Totally Terrific in Texas

  5. Penelope looks very nice. The only hedgehog I have met was one of the unfriendly ones I suppose. Happy almost summer!
