Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.  I hope your day is special with your little ones.  I am not a mommy, yet, but I do have wonderful mom that I love and will see in a few hours.  

In my classroom this week, we enjoyed Muffins with Mom.  I invited all the moms and other special "mom" figures in my cutie's lives for a muffin breakfast.  It was so much fun!  Here are a few pics of my room before the kiddos and their moms arrived:

My table with all the food

One of the kid's tables - they decorated them the day before, right before the school day was over

We also worked on writing books for our moms the day before using my Mom's are Awesome unit from TPT.  They read these books together while enjoying breakfast.

We also gave our mom's these little pot holder gifts that we made earlier this week.

Here are a few pics of our moms and their kiddos:

After breakfast was over, my cuties cleaned up for their moms and then we sang five songs we had been working on for the special day, including I Think You're Wonderful by Debbie Clement.  (By the way, I go to meet her in 2005 when she visited the small Head Start agency I worked for in Athens, Ohio!)  I don't have pics of us singing because I was leading the songs, but they did awesome!

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. Love the pot holders...looks like your moms had fun!

  2. Your Muffins with Mom looks so fun! Love that can, have, are chart for moms!
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. This is so cute! How fun for the kids and the moms! :)

