Monday, December 1, 2014

Some new things going on in Writer's Workshop...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Writer's Workshop time in my classroom!  My kinders are so brave in their writing and have learned so much about what good writer's do.  I just wanted to share some of the little things that have gone on in our classroom this year to keep writing time moving forward.

Here are some of our anchor charts.

 Here are some of the materials we use for independent writing.

 Differentiated paper tray

 Small moments catchers hats

 Publishing tools (We only use crayons when we publish our books.)

 Writer's toolboxes (Each partnership shares a box.)

 Each toolbox has 2 stretchy the word snakes, 2 pencils, 2 spacemen, an alphabet chart, and 1 kiss stamp to "kiss" a period at the end.

 This is my big stretchy the word snake that we used to understand stretching sounds to write words.

 Share bears (In the middle of our independent/conferencing time, I take a quick walk around and hand these out to writer's who have work that is worthy of sharing.)

 During share time, we share 2 stars (praise) and 1 wish (question).  Then we check to make sure the work we saw at share time has earned a smiley sentence.

I would love to see what goes on in your writing time!  Please leave me any links to posts or pins. 


  1. I love the first anchor chart. I see kids think they can't write something so often when really what the mean is I can't spell it perfectly or it is overwhelming to write so much. It's so important to encourage our kids to communicate their ideas in writing even if it is imperfect. We can always help them with the revising and editing, but no one can express their thoughts for them.
    Grade School Giggles

  2. What's a small moments catcher? Wow!! Your Writer's Workshop looks like tons of fun!! I really like their toolboxes!

  3. I like the "share bear" to let students know ahead of time who is sharing. I would also like to know more about the "small moments catcher."

    A Very Curious Class

  4. Hello! I just love all of your writing workshop ideas! I am struggling with implementing writer's workshop in my kindgergarten classroom. Do you have more insight you could share on road mapping it out and when to teach what mini lesson? I know you use Lucy Caulkins. We have that resource too but me and my team find it so overwhelming we don't even know where to begin! Do you some sort of Writer's Workshop unit you created? Any information or insight you have would be greatly appreciated! If you get a time my email is Thank you!
