Monday, September 15, 2014

Writer's Workshop Freebies and Fun!

Happy Monday!  Today was the first day that I felt we "got" writer's workshop.  All of us kinder teachers know what a success it is when our little kinders {finally}understand the routines we are setting. 

The first routine that was set in place was understanding what a writing folder is.  I started by showing my writing folder - a giant version of my students' folders.

The green dot side means that writing piece still has some work to do and the red dot means that writing piece is complete.

Another routine that's been set in place is writing partnerships and a conferring schedule.  

My conferring schedule is set up so that I meet with 2 partner groups a day.  On the schedule the partner groups are placed together so that I can easily see who is partnered together.

I use my conferring toolkit ALL THE TIME for my emergent writers.

This is my dedication stamp that is used when we publish.  We are a
L   O   N   G
way off from publishing, but it stays in my conferring toolkit for when we do publish.

In our partnerships, we have writer's toolboxes to share.

These stay stored on a shelf and each partner group grabs one as they make their way to their writing post (assigned spot for that partnership).  Inside of the kit is an alphabet chart, eraser, and pencils.  Other things are added as the year goes on, but that's all for now.

My favorite part of writer's workshop is share time.  To decide who shares, I pass out Share Bears while students are working.  Any student who gets a Share Bear, gets to share their story with the whole class.

To help us with writing, my students learn the 3 ways to write.  I created this anchor chart to help my kiddos feel successful.  First we started writing with pictures, then moved into labeling.  That is where we are now, but soon we will begin writing with words and creating sentences.  You can get the wording and title here for free!

We also have differentiated writing paper that is located in this paper tray.  All of my students are listed on the chart next to the tray with a dot beside their name.  The dot indicates which tray to get paper from based on writing needs.

So many routines after 15 short days lead to young, emergent writers who are labeling and understanding what on Earth is going on... Sprinkles to Kindergarten!!!


  1. I am going to use writing folders too. Can you explain more about how the writing partners work together? The idea sounds interesting. Do you feel it encourages your reluctant writers? Thanks!

  2. Looks like you will be grooming great writers in your class. I love your methods because they seem easy to understand, fun and challenging. I especially noticed that you encourage kids to express theirselves through various methods of writing.Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for sharing your organization and routine ideas for writers workshop. I've pinned your pictures! Jayne
    Smart Kids
    ABCs of Reading
