Sunday, February 23, 2014

"R" you ready for letter Rr?

We had a roaring great week learning letter Rr.  To start the week we created robot hats to wear as we hunted for letter Rr pictures around the classroom.  When the pictures were discovered, students colored in the picture on their recording sheet.

We also traced letter Rr with robots while singing our letter Rr Heidi Song.

To practice letter sounds, we fed this little Valentine card holder pictures of items that started with /r/.

We ended the week with dressing up as pirates because pirates say /r/.

For added fun, we danced to the Pirate Dance on You Tube.

We also danced to Heidi Songs letter Rr.

 "R" you ready for letter Rr?

Here is my little unit on Teachers Pay Teachers with many hands-on, out of your seat Rr learning fun!  Check it out by clicking on the picture below.  It's FREE until tomorrow evening.

 Grab it fast while it's free or you "R" going to be sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Erica, I love all the learning activities that your students were involved in to learning the letter Rr! I teach pre-k4 and we cover a letter a week and do similar activities, but I love seeing what other great ideas are out there! I love Heidi's videos, I use youtube for some of her sight-word videos. Did you purchase the Heidi's letter video or can you also get those free of cost on the internet? I really enjoy your blog! Have a great week!

    I is for Inspire
