Friday, November 8, 2013

Fabulous 50th Day of School!

What a wonderfully, busy week in the land of PreK!  We celebrated 50 days of learning with 50's themed activities.

To start the day, we learned about life in the fifties verses life today.  We read this little freebie book
(Click above to get it.)

We also sorted pictures of today's life verses the fifties.  They loved the Barbie and the truck!

For our letter learning, we went bowling.  Student groups were given sets of bowling pins with letters attached to them.  Students recorded any letters that fell over on the recording sheet below.
(Click above to grab this bowling sheet.)

We also made root beer floats by following the directions on our chart.

After making them, we used our five senses to learn about root beer floats.  I LOVE that we could hear the fizz in the float.  Do you see the ear I drew in the bottom right corner with the sound one of my cuties described!

After describing the floats, we create dour own to take home as a memory from the day.

(Don't you just love puffy paint?!?)

It was also oodles of fun to have a sock hop and wear our fifties themed clothing!  (Maybe one day I will actually get a picture of my poodle skirt.)

It has been truly fabulous to spend 50 days with these cuties!


  1. I'm so sad I missed the boat on this great idea but I am stealing it for next year! Love your blog!

