Saturday, April 13, 2013

Oviparous Fun!

Happy Saturday!  We enjoyed learning about oviparous animals last week.  I introduced it by showing my cuties this egg I found at Ikea:

I told them that there were animals in the egg that lay eggs.  My cuties made some predictions about the type of animals in the egg, then we opened it up and checked out some of the "oviparous" animals.  (They always love learning big words.)

Then we read this book from Shuna Patterson's Let's Get Crackin' Oviparous Animals unit to learn about different animals that are oviparous.

After learning about many oviparous animals, we completed a class sort of oviparous and non-oviparous animals from Mrs. Jone's Creation Station sort.

We also labeled the classroom with labels that said "oviparous" and "not oviparous".

Have a happy weekend!


  1. What a great egg! I wonder if IKEA still has them. We did oviparous animals in January during our penguin unit, but there is always next year!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Kari :)

  2. I like how you labeled all the animals around your room. What a fun idea! I also really like the idea with the egg and all the animals inside. :)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

  3. EGGSellent ideas for teaching about oviparous animals! (Sorry, I just couldn't resist the word pun.)
    Swersty’s Swap Shop

  4. Awe that for the shout out Erica!

    Looks like your kiddos had a great time

    Pocket Full of Kinders
