Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Happy Summer!

Hi peeps!  It is summer break here in Austin, TX.  School was officially out last Thursday at 12:00.  I have been super busy packing up my classroom and putting everything in storage since the new school won't be finished until July.  All of my stuff filled a 10x10 storage unit!  Yikes!

Last Thursday, we had kindergarten graduation.  It was precious!  Here is a picture of my graduates!

After we snapped this photo, we headed to graduation.  Here we are walking up to the stage.  This precious little guy is one of our second grade teacher's kiddos.  She was so kind to share pics with me.

Even us teachers wore our caps and gowns from college.

 Here is one of our tables decorated for the event.  There is they're diploma in the folded black holder, their memory book, and an art project.  They placed their hats on the table when we weren't wearing them.

Here is one of the diploma pictures.

 Here is one of our hats that we made.

This made me laugh!  This is a picture of me in one of the memory books!

And I just had to share these little cuties!  I am always wearing crazy clothes and jewelry, so my precious mother in law and sister in law gave me these bear earrings to wear at my new school.  We will be the Barron Bears.

Here are some of the logos for our new school.

 Sprinkles to summer!!!


  1. I love your graduation ideas!! The tables were decorated so nicely. The kiddos looked so cute!!! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I love when they do pictures of the teacher-it's a view into their perspective of you. :)


  3. Yay! A new school?! My school is new (5 yrs) and when I go to other schools throughout my district I seriously think how WONDERFUL my school is (everything is updated... no nasty mice or anything running around!)You must post lots of pictures of your new school!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  4. I am so jealous...a new school?!? So glad you are on summer break. We are headed to El Paso in July to move our son.

  5. Your graduates look so sweet! Love those graduation pictures!
    Conversations in Literacy
