Friday, April 6, 2012

Second Best Day Ever!

Hi again, peeps!  Today was too crazy and fun!  My student teacher returned to continue her total teach time - and what a day we all had together.  I am not supposed to help out during her total teach, but I didn't want to miss out on the fun!
We had our annual egg hunt today so my cuties decorated little Easter tubs that I bought them at Dollar Tree.  We made them look like bunnies.

Then we enjoyed our egg hunt.

Today was also the Kindergarten Egg Drop.  Each child designed a case to protect an egg.  Then we dropped the cases off the building.

Here's one of the cases.

Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Ramsour are throwing the eggs off the building.

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...

Watching and waiting...

When we returned to the classroom, Miss Checkley, my student teacher, opened up the cases to see which eggs survived.

Here are the four kiddos in my room whose eggs survived. 

I also wanted to share an anchor chart I created to help us with story maps.  I am not an artist at all, so I was proud of how the little girl turned out. You can print the words here.

 Happy Easter!


  1. Yay! Thanks for finding me!! I am now following you!
    Teaching, learning, & Loving

  2. I love all of the kids hunting for the eggs! So cute in their little spring dresses!
    We had an egg hunt too and the kids and I love it! Happy Easter!

  3. Cute! Cute! Cute! Great pictures =)

  4. I'm so excited I came across your blog! Who designed it? I love it!

  5. LOVE your egg drop! And I would love to hear more about your Ten Frame activities! Thanks for sharing! I have left a little surprise for you at my blog:
