Friday, March 23, 2012

Texas, Our Texas!

Happy Friday!  I hope you all had an enjoyable week.  Our week was all about Texas!  I absolutely love teaching kiddos about the history and and traditions of Texas.  I have lived in Massachusetts, Arizona, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, but I am a Texas girl by birth and I am so happy to be back here and teach my Kinders about our state!

We learned about important people from our past by using some of my Texas materials I posted about last week.  We also had a Chili Cook-Off with the other Kinder classes.  All of the classes cooked their chili at school.  I wanted to make the experience unique for my cuties, so I brought in a lot of stuff so we could vote on what should go in the chili.

Before we made the chili, we discussed who had eaten chili and what it tasted like and also looked at some photos of chili.  Then we voted on what food products should be used.  We are working on comparing numbers, so this was an opportunity for us to compare who voted yes and who voted no.

Here is our chili after we voted on what food should be in it.

(Yes, those are carrots because several of my cuties claimed that there were "orange things" in the chili photos.)

At the end of the day we enjoyed (well, some of us - you don't want to know what was in the chili) our creation.

Each class earned an award in a particular category.  Guess who's was "Most Original"?

That would be us!

We also enjoyed a rodeo!  Here are some pics of our fun!

Pony Races

Lassoing Bessie the Cow

Fill the Beans Relay

What  a busy week!  What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Oh my, that looks like total fun! Did you cook the chili in a crockpot, or bring it in the next day?

    The Daily Alphabet

  2. HI Angela! It was cooked in the crock pot. It was fun and interesting.

  3. Looks like so much fun!!

  4. Cooking chili with your class must have been a lot of fun! Looks like your class really enjoyed it!
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. I am cracking up over the chili! Haha. Looks like you had a lot of fun! :)

    Second Grade Sugar and Spice

  6. So much fun! I love how you had them vote on the ingredients! Have you ever read Armadilly Chili? It would tie in perfectly with all your chili fun. It's like the Texas version of The Little Red Hen! I'm a new follower. Can't wait to see what other fun days you have coming up : )

  7. Hey Erica, I would love to collaborate with you on a giveaway! I'm also having one now, come on over and enter!

    The Daily Alphabet

  8. Looks like fun!
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
    Now I'm YOUR newest follower :D
    Dragonflies in First

  9. Interesting chili, lol. Looks like the kids had oodles of fun!!

    Joy of Life 2011

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  11. You are so brave! I love the idea of them voting on ingredients. Just not sure if I could eat it! =)
    Cute blog post!

  12. Love the name of your blog! I recently started a blog about Preschool. I left you a Lovely Blog Award on my site for you to pick up. I hope you will follow me too!

    Heather Mix
    An Interesting Mix
