I decided to link up with Amy at Step into Second Grade and share a little more about me.
1. I am crazy obsessed with red pandas. I think they are precious animals. Here is my most recent visit to the Houston Zoo - which is the closest location to red pandas. It takes three hours to get there from Austin, but we go at least once a year.
I love them so much that my hubby sponsored one in my name for Christmas last year.
Side note - my hubby is so sweet to go with me to zoos. I love animals and enjoy zoos a lot. Here we are at the San Diego Zoo.
2. I love Audrey Hepburn movies. My favorite is Funny Face, but I could watch Audrey Hepburn movies all day.
3. I love the color pink. I have so many clothes that are the color pink. Here are some of them.
Pink shoes
Pink purse
Pink coat
4. I wear dresses all the time. I would rather wear a dress than jeans or shorts any day. I have about 50 dresses and they are all worn. In fact, I wear pants so little that the first time I wore pants this past year one of my students said, "Mrs. Crowder - why are you wearing pants?"
5. I love Paris, France, more than anywhere in the world. I have been once and just might get to go back next summer with my hubby's aunt and uncle.
6. I could eat watermelon ALL DAY LONG.
9. I started college as a pre-med/chemistry major.
10. My two favorite shows are Jeopardy and So You Think You Can Dance. We don't have television, though, so when I watch these shows, I go to the gym and pedal a bike the whole time. Our gym is set up so you have to be working out in order for the tv to come on. It makes me not feel so guilty for watching tv this way.
11. I was blessed to be named District Teacher of the Year for my district in 2010-2011. I went on to be one of three finalists for Regional Teacher of the Year. I was quite shocked to be given the honor but I am very grateful for the chance to have represented my district in many ways. This plaque hangs in the lobby of our administration building.
12. I love my fabulous hubby! We laugh all the time. He is my bestest friend and I love him oodles. Our foundation and hope is in Jesus. We love going to church together and doing service projects. Here is a pic of a pic of us as Mary and Joseph for our church's live nativity at Christmas.
13. We sponsor a child through World Vision. I learned about this organization at a Women of Faith conference in 2005. Since then, I have become a regular volunteer for the organization by being a representative at events. I tell people about the organization and try to get kiddos sponsored. Click the pic below to learn more about it.
Thanks for being kind enough to read a little bit about me and my life. :)
And while you're all here, I just had to share the updated burlap bee that I made.